Welcome to GCCI.Earth|ClimateTracer.Earth!
This data portal is powered by the Wegener Center of the University of Graz on behalf of its Field of Excellence Climate Change Graz. The current version is GCCIv2.3. More content and features are released on a regular basis.
GCCI.Earth|ClimateTracer.Earth provides reliable recent-past monitoring information jointly with current-state nowcasting and Paris-compliant future projection information, over the critical climate change timeframe from 1960 via the present to 2050. In doing so, it focuses on greenhouse gas emissions ("Emissions"), global warming ("Warming"), and climate change impacts in terms of weather and climate extremes ("Extremes"; released spring 2025). For further intro see this Summary and Presentation.
Dive in through the Menu on top or right here: Emissions - Global, Emissions - Europe, Emissions - Austria, Warming - Global, Extremes - Europe, Extremes - Austria. The charts are generally made to be self-explanatory - for a one-stop overview of the current content, including detailed data-source references, see the GCCI documentation.
Welcome to visit also CarbManage.Earth, for which this data portal provides essential background and context information. Learn there on the new climate solutions framework "Carbon Management - carbsmart2Paris" that empowers actors at all public, institutional and personal levels to contribute GHG emission reductions compliant with the Paris climate goals.
The portal is repeatedly updated – stay tuned.